Thursday 28 November 2013

20131128 - University Voting [ MPP Election]

Hey there. This is the first time I went to vote. Surely I feel so excited. *blink *blink. hehe
Actually it is the election for MPP ( Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar ).

Passing the matric card to the authorities. Then, voted with some nervous feeling.
Unluckily, that handsome calon= D***** Tioh, *dun knw what name, whatever la. I want voted him one. He is calon Sains Sukan. Bo bian lo. Can only voted for own faculty and calon umum nia.

All the dewan kuliah were closed, we were happy since the lecturer still disappear herself on 8.30am.
Suddenly, she came, and of course that "rajin" lecturer wont cancel the class. This was the first time we sat beside the drain and having the class. WooooHOoo... what a good experience and nice memory in university. -,-

#stole it from a friend profile. haha. sorry.. :P

if you saw a group of students sat by the drain today, never curious about it. That's us. -,-

#selca before the voting

#selca after voting
#semangat betul nk undi :P

Okay. Do hope Syahmi can be elected since I just knew the only calon in this election. Good luck to all candidates. Bye and see you when I see you.

Sunday 10 November 2013

20131111 - Wow!! So many 1 ?!!

Today might be someone's meaningful day.. +> 1111 ,,hehe
There must be many people choose to get marry on this day. :)
#Iwanalso ><

Okay. I had completed with my interview of penolong pegawai kesihatan persekitaran.
Quite okay and I will share with you guys what the interviewer asked me during the interview.

Urmmmm.. don't know what to type right now.
Bye and see you in my next post :)

Sunday 3 November 2013

04112013 - Long time didn't update my blog liao..... :3

SHOCK!!! When I saw through my old post. I had been long time didn't update my blog. -,-


Actually I am very busy lar :P

Busy with these..... >,,<



#SPA Interview

Okay. Left only 3days for my interview.
Wish me luck ya. :D

Goodbye and see you when I see you.