Tuesday 15 October 2013

20131016- Secret on my bed :D

Hurm. Hi there. 

It's Wednesday morning. I woke up at 9.19am. 

And I started to take my bear bear and have a picture. 

Lot's of things on my bed. Let me reveal them for you one by one. 

NGeeee~~~ Expect it, right?

#many #many #many

Haha. This is just small part of my collection.


A baby mandora. CUTEEEE~ and I love this doll very much. wakaka~

The king of Mandora.

I love its moustache actually. :3

Mature Mandora. :D

cute. :D

I hug it every night I sleep. :D

Yeap. I tried to learn its mouth shape when I took pic. 


oOOOpppPSSSsss... It's gonna 11am.I still haven't take my breakfast. Just having a brunch later bah.hehe. See you soon. Bye. :D 

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